On the Side of Trump’s Return to Power in America
America after January 20th
By: Soraya Shahabi
The apprehension of 77 protesters in London on Saturday 19 January has sparked fury among people who have been taking to the streets over the last 15 months against the genocide in Gaza.
Call for protest actions on November 29
against Israeli genocide in Palestine
For the past 78 years, the people of Palestine have continuously been subjected to crimes of aggression by the Zionist occupation, a systematic oppression of ethnic cleansing, genocide, organised state terrorism, murder, embargo, land and property confiscation, destruction of infrastructure, apprehension and torture in prisons and detention centres, etc.
In the early hours of Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau and the head of Hamas' negotiating team with Israel, who was in Iran for the inauguration ceremony of President Pezeshkian, was killed along with one of his guards in his residence in Tehran by a missile attack. So far, the finger of blame has been pointed towards Israel. Besides the Islamic Republic, Hamas, and various Palestinian groups, many governments including those of Russia, China, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, Malaysia, Jordan, Afghanistan, Yemen, and others have condemned this assassination, calling it a dangerous move towards escalating tensions and war in the Middle East.
Recently there have been direct military actions taken by both the Israeli government and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Acts of war which irrespective of their duration and scale, have further fuelled the atmosphere of war in the region.
Today, it is clearer than before, that Israel, its military government, and Netanyahu, while carrying out genocide of the innocent people of Gaza, are only trying to escalate the war and military hostilities to other countries in the region, especially Iran, to get out of its domestic and international deadlock. Israel’s government has been trying to pull in NATO, the USA, and the European Union countries to the Middle East to relieve itself from international isolation, even among its traditional and historical allies in the Western societies.
By: Soraya Shahabi
Words cannot describe the situation that Gaza has been experiencing for the past months. In addition to the increasing and heartbreaking statistics that are released every day by their own "responsible" media! In addition to the dimensions of slaughter, destruction, and injuries to more than two million people that are conveyed to the world every day by these same media to keep everyone "updated," what the media and politicians in the West present as "normal" is the face of "dehumanization" that is imposed on the victims and survivors.
By: Soraya Shahabi:
Part one
Global Resistance Movement:
The ethnic cleansing and genocide by the Israeli government against the people of Gaza, which continues despite the initial foolish assumptions and the media propaganda of Western powers, led by America, regarding the control and "management" of it, contrary to the "congratulatory" statements of Hamas and its regional supporters after Hamas's attack and the "magnification" of the power of "resistance forces" and the imminent destruction of the "Zionist regime", all completely out of their control.
The Israeli government's war machine is claiming the lives of tens and even hundreds of innocent people every day. While the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, was claiming that “We need to do more to protect civilians" during his visit, the Israeli forces bombed three hospitals, Al-Shifa, Gaza’s Indonesia Hospital and Al-Quds. The exact number of the dead and injured in these attacks is not yet known, due to the continued shelling and the attacks on ambulances. It is reported that In Al-Shifa Hospital alone, dozens of medical staff and patients have been killed and injured. Gaza is a scene of bloodbath and crimes these days! As per publicly stated announcements, the fascist government of Israel, as an extension of the brutality and criminality of the United States and its European allies, intends to put an end to all forms of life in this area.
The wide scale “Al-Aqsa storm” attack of Hamas on Israel on Saturday 7 October 2023 was the largest military attack since the “Arab and Israeli” war in 1973. The extent of this attack, the overcoming of Israeli military and recapturing of large, occupied land along Gaza, surprised not only the Israeli state but also everyone worldwide.
This attack affected the political scene of Middle East and the world, and the question of Palestine and its future, was once again put afore globally. With the attack of Israel on Gaza, this war entered a more bloody and more horrific phase.
Greetings to our courageous fellow workers in the auto industry.
We have been closely following your struggle for decent pay and conditions and your demands including the call for a shorter working week.
After years of putting pressure on workers to bear the burden of the financial crisis, the Covid pandemic and all the austerity measures, and even refusing to lift and reverse all of the so-called “temporary measures”, you have overwhelmingly stood together and decided to take industrial action. This strike is forced upon auto workers by the companies that have taken sky-rocketing profits and overfilled their pockets with the fruit of your labour. Your action is so justified, that despite all the lies and threats that have been announced through their media, they have not been able to sway the clear public support that you have both in the US and beyond.
With the call of unions and left parties and organisation against the French government’s bill to raise the retirement age, the whole of France has since March 16, become a battlefield where workers and generally people are protesting and expressing their anger against the Macron’s administration.
March the 8th, International Women’s Day, is a day when women and freedom seeking people across the world put forward their claim against the lack of right of women in the “modern” world. This year, however, this claim has taken a much more extensive and powerful dimension in Iran and across the world, following the onset of the feminine revolution in Iran.
Dear Ms. Walton
We, the undersigned, would like to express our sincere gratitude for your union’s efforts in a struggle for a fair deal for your members. We congratulate your first step in this endeavour which has made the Ford Government retreat from imposing Bill 28, and return to the negotiation table. We wish you success in your fight for a just society. Our organizations, its members and supporters are beside your union and activists in this struggle and support you to reach a fair deal.
The government finally had to concede and accept the halt to the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda. This is a major victory for the civilised humanity. A victory for the civilised humanity and all those who have been continuously protesting against such an inhumane policy against the people who have fled war zones and persecution.
Long Live International Solidarity of the Working Class!
The main message of working class on the occasion of the international workers’ day is that workers should take the power from the ruling class. This is the day that working class announces its independence as a class that has no interest in the continuation of the miseries that have been brought upon humanity in this capitalist system. It is on this day that working class once again calls for unity in pursuit of freedom, equality and for a decent life worthy of human beings.
Contrary to the propaganda of the bourgeois governments and official media, the world is not facing the threat of a third world war or a return to the Cold War era. This time, the people of Ukraine, alongside the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and others, will pay the price for settling accounts among the world powers, in form of death, destruction, displacement, deprivation and suffering. They will become the victims of the confrontations to re-divide the world and redefine the areas of influence by these powers.
Over the past four years and especially since the beginning of this summer, the Iranian society has continuously been moving increasing closer to ridding itself from the Islamic Republic by the power of the masses – four years that has been filled with workers and mass protests, forcing the Islamic Republic to the brink of collapse and being overthrown.
Mass protests and struggles that have grown stronger and more demanding against not this or that “faction”, “individual” or “institution” of the Islamic Republic, but against the regime as a whole and the entire governing body and all its apparatus of power. These protests have become more resolved, stronger, broader and more forward-looking by the mass of people! The intervention of the working class and freedom-seeking masses in the protests has also wrapped up the destructive attempts of regional and global powers that under the guise of "liberation" of Iran, have been opposing the struggles against the Islamic Republic and the prospects of "freedom, prosperity and security" for people of Iran in the past 42 years.
After two decades of military presence of US and NATO, Taliban has once again taken the power in Afghanistan, and the people in this country are faced with terror of one of the most reactionary states in the world.
Despite the declarations of the US administration, the path of the return of the criminal drug gang of Taliban started with the negotiations of 18 months ago when Taliban was not only given recognition but also legitimacy and access to power, in total disregard of the people of Afghanistan.
Update on the strike action by oil, gas and petrochemical workers in Iran
It is 23 days since the strike action of oil and gas workers which has swept across Iran. Currently over 100,000 workers have joined the strike action over demands including pay and conditions, health and safety, 20 day working month. Given the rocketing rises in the prices of basic goods, workers are demanding automatic pay increases accordingly, and abolishment of the role of sub-contractors in the industry.
Workers at gas, petrochemical and oil refineries have gone on strike across Iran over pay and conditions, health and safety, and social welfare. This is a national strike in a sector that the Islamic Republic has officially categorised as one where workers are forbidden to have their own organisations!
Over the past four decades, the Islamic Republic has broken the structure of this sector, and set up a range of different companies, under several holdings. Through this process, large sections of workers were made redundant, leaving these companies and their agencies to recruit workers again with making majority of them as “contract”, “temporary”, “agency”, “un-official” employees. Every effort was made to break the rank of these tens of thousands of workers and spread disparity and competition amongst them. In addition, a frenzy media propaganda was orchestrated to spread such rumour as these workers are much better paid than any other sector in order to drive a wedge between them and the rest of the working class in Iran. Additionally, some sections have been located in the so-called “special zones” where workers at these zones are literally segregated to avoid any possible disruptions to for example oil extraction and in the shipping ports. The conditions in extraction sections are so harsh that workers generally have much shorter life expectancy, and are always in danger of immediate death due to poisonous fumes and gases.
During this week alone, there are reports of at least 60 Palestinians murdered, residential blocks destroyed, and more devastation by the Israeli troops as the racist policies of ethnic-cleansing are being carried out. Protest actions have been taking place in so many countries against the openly fascist actions of the Israeli state and its green light to the inhumane anti-Arab policy of expansion of settlements, and demanding a just end to this conflict.
Long Live International Unity and Solidarity of the Working Class!
May Day, the international workers’ day is upon us. The day that workers, across the globe, express their class solidarity against the capitalist system and its blind pursuit of more profit; a day of celebration of unity in struggle for a world rid of all discriminations and divisions based on race, gender, birth-place, nationality, and all the other divisions that have been enforced upon humanity.
International Workers’ Day is approaching. This year we celebrate May Day with workers activists from several countries.
Speakers confirmed to date:
The response of the Islamic Republic to the escalation of protests that have been taking place across Iran, has been nothing but further arrests and detentions. The recent widespread protests of the pensioners which has drawn popular support in practically all the major locations in the country, has also been met with the same response.
In their gatherings, pensioners have been expressing their resentment against the authorities and their total disregard for the poor standard of living of the people. In addition to the rocketing rise in the prices of the most basic necessities, the people in Iran have also suffered from the authorities’ total negligence in providing any protection for the people in the face of the miseries of the Covid-19 over the past year.
A growing wave of protests have swept across Iran. Thousands and thousands of workers from the oil, gas and petrochemical plants, as well as several mines and heavy industrial plants, … have gone on strike.
The coordinated strike action across so many oil and gas plants has trembled the foundations of the whole capitalist system in Iran and its Islamic state. This is the section of the working class in Iran that delivered the final blow on the Shah’s regime in the 1979 uprising and led to the popular slogan of “Our oil workers, our resolute leaders” echoing throughout the country. This is the sector that by merely deciding to call “tools-down”, can halt the supply of gas, making it impossible to even do the household cooking.
Four representatives and speakers of Haft Tapeh workers, Youseff Bahmani, Ebrahim Abassi, Mohammad Khanifar, Moslem Cheshm Khavar were arrested on their way home, as they left today’s protest action, according to the workers’ syndicate. The workers in the city have demanded their immediate release.
Thousands of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company workers have been on strike for a month now, demanding the immediate payment of all unpaid wages, reinstatement of sacked workers, and the return of the embezzled funds to the workers.
Following the murder of George Floyd, protest actions have been taking place across the world. These protests have not only shown the support for the mass actions in the USA, but also against the injustices that are raging in all corners of the globe.
The first reaction of the US Administration was to despatch the National Guard, imposing curfews, and arresting the protesters, branding them as “trouble makers”, “thugs”, “terrorists”, etc. But the protests have not ceased and have grown in scale.
The murder of George Floyd in broad daylight in Minneapolis is yet another tragic example of the depth of injustice in the flagbearer of the “great democracy”, the “Supreme power” in the world. The filming of this murder and its mass broadcast has brought outrage not only in the USA, but internationally against the institutional racism that is rife in the police force.
The Central Committee of temporary contract workers in electricity called for a general strike in all sectors of the southern region of the Ministry. The strike started on May 19th and is still proceeding currently. This strike was initiated to protest the Ministry’s policy, which refrained from installing temporary workers and referring them to permanent positions, despite that many of the workers have surpassed their contract end dates by close to 14 years. Additionally, the general strike protests the Ministry's postponement and failure to pay the salaries of the temporary workers for three months.
In a matter of weeks, suddenly, the Corona-virus epidemic descended upon the world, from Asia to Europe, America, and Africa, as "simultaneous and sudden as cluster bombs", casting a shadow of fear of death or causing others' deaths, over all human societies, all people, rich or poor, black or white, male or female, ruling or subject, all over the world's almost eight billion population. In a short few weeks, suddenly, the streets of the world's most populous, most developed and busy capitals, became quarantined and turned into a "ghost town!" Images of medieval Europe, the era of the plague and the "Black Death" are slowly being dredged up in people's minds!
Coronavirus has become a serious threat against humanity, crossing all borders and causing thousands of deaths in such a short period of time. It is estimated that 80 percent of the world population will contract the virus, and suffer from the disease caused by it. COVID19 threatens the lives of millions of people. Casualties of such a scale in the 21st century, in a world in which medical science is capable of cloning human beings, in a world in which the rulers do not assume any responsibility regarding human lives whatsoever, depicts only and only the decadence of the world of capitalism.
Earlier this morning, Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Quds forces, along with the commander of the Hashd al-Sha’bi, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, were killed near the Baghdad airport. Trump himself, according to the Pentagon and the US Defence Department, ordered the attack.
Undoubtedly, the deaths of Soleimani, commanders of Hashd al-Sha’bi and any other criminal around the world, will only be met with the joy of the freedom-seeking people of Iran, Iraq and the whole region.
Urgent call to save the lives of people in Iran
In protest against the apprehension and torture of workers in Iran
In solidarity with the mass protests in France
In protest against the wave of arrests in Iran
Support teachers’ protests in Iran
Condemn the ILO’s stance against workers in Iran
This Camside will not be left unanswered!
Support women’s movement in Iran
No to High Cost of Living! No to Islamic Republic!
Demand the release of all those arrested in Iran
To all workers, trade unions, workers’ organisations
The world is watching the actions of the German government
Against the terrorist attacks in Tehran
The Ongoing War Crimes in Mosul
To: Workers and all defenders of workers’ rights in France
Against the conspiracies of the Turkish government
Campaign in condemnation of the government in Turkey and in support of Kobane
Islamic Regime is facing Crisis by women
Ariel Sharon is Dead!
Humanity lost the opportunity to try one of the criminals of the century!
Murder is the response of the Cambodian government to the striking textile workers!
Execution, our share of the "Moderate" government of the Islamic Republic
The indictment of Obama’s Government. Obama must be answerable in Sweden!
We must stand against the United States and Britain’s war machine
The indictment of Obama’s Government.
Obama must be answerable in Sweden!
Aman Kafa's speech at Marx Hekmat Society - London
Condemn the ILO-Islamic Republic pact
Attempts to Stifle the Revolutionary Movement in Libya
Massacre of striking South African miners
Unbelievable but true!
No to Mousavi’s Green Islam,
No to Ahmadinejad’s Black Islam!
Long Live Freedom and Equality!
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Charter of the Overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran
Proposed by the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Warning! The Terrorist Islamic Republic Conspires Against Opposition Forces!
Iran puts ten Swedes on Interpol wanted list
The Local, Sweden's News
Swedish Kurds demand removal from Interpol list
Swedish Kurds Demand Removal From Interpol List
Warning against the imperialist counter-revolution plot in Egypt
The revolution that gave birth to counter-revolution!
An Open Letter to INTERPOL /Council in Support of People’s Struggles in Iran (Toronto-Canada)
To General Secretariat of Interpol/ Worker-communist Party of Kurdistan (Iraq)
One year on/ An interview with Koorosh Modarresi
Saddam’s trial: Whose justice?/ Aman Kafa
On the anti-Israeli rhetoric of the Iranian president War: A divine blessing and saviour of Islam/ Soraya Shahabi
Freedom Guards/ Resolution adopted by the third plenum of the central committee of Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist, October 2005
Can we still rely on Lenin? A few words in commemoration of the October Revolution
Is Leninism still relevant? Mansoor Hekmat
The third Plenum of WPI-Hekmatist concluded
Campaign to Free Labour Activists in Iran
Proclamation on the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran, The threat of US military action must be resolutely condemned and opposed
Statement of the Political Bureau of Worker-communist Party of Iran- Hekmatist on the US threat of military action against Iran
Communiqué on the foundation of the Worker- communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
On split in the Worker-communist party of Iran / Yanar Mohammed speaks to Koorosh Modaresi
Part1 Part2 html pdf
Komonist 12, January 2007
In this Issue:
Diplomacy or Weapons of Mass Destruction! / The statement of the Worker-communist Party of Iran -Hekmatist
Students Day 2006: Left and Radical Students Seize the Initiative/ Javad Aslani
An introduction to Worker-communism/ Koorosh Modaressi
Freedom Guards Step up their presence in the cities and towns in Iranian Kurdistan/ Javad Aslani
Saddam’s Execution Verdict / The statement of the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Komonist 10 & 11, September 2006
In this Issue:
Working Class and the Political Power
Congress of Hope. Congress of re-engagement with the Society/ Koorosh Modaressi
Bush’s Defeat, The Impasse of New World Order Policy in Iraq
Communiqué on the conclusion of the: First Congress of the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Komonist 9, September 2006
In this Issue:
An Important Event In a Turbulent And Critical Time/ Azam Kamguyan
In Praise of Unity against Unemployment
Join the Campaign Against Execution of Children in Iran!/ Nahid Riazi
Komonist 8, August 2006
In this Issue:
Summer of 88, a dark episode in the history of humanity!/ Javad Aslani
First Congress of WPI-Hekmatist
We are engaged in building a mass Communist Party/ Koorosh Modaressi
Revolutionary Council of Socialists of Iran – Hekmatist/ Statement of the “Revolutionary Council of Socialist Youths of Iran” on joining the ranks of the Hekmatist Party
Comrades of the “Revolutionary Council of the Socialist Youths” welcome to the Hekmatist Party!
Escalation of Oppression and Attacks on People
Komonist 7, July 2006
In this Issue:
Shame on “Rome Conference”! Shame on “International Community”!
No to ethnic identity, No to religious identity, Long live human identity
A world with a single standard! The undisputed right of the US and its allies to assault humanity!
Freedom Guards: A beacon of hope in an uncertain region/ Javad Aslani
Freedom Guards, Structure, Framework and the Tasks of the Freedom Guards
First Congress of WPI-Hekmatist
Komonist 5 &6, May 2006
In this Issue:
In Commemoration of a Prolific Lif/ Mansoor Hekmat Week 4-11 June 2006
Nuclear Crisis or Crisis with a Nuclear Pretext/ Koorosh Modaressi
The Threat of Military Assault against Iran/ Statement of the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
The Fourth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Victory in France Workers and Youth Defeat the French Government/ Interview with Nicola Dessaux
Komonist 4, March 2006
In this Issue:
Iraq: Three years of death and destruction/ Javad Aslani
Defence of Unconditional Right of Belief and Expression/ Statement of the Worker-communist party of Iran – Hekmatist
Do not confuse Hezbollah and Islamic thugs with people from Islam stricken countries!
Our policy towards international protests, outside Iran, against the threat of US assault on Iran/ Koorosh Modarresi
No to US Warmongering!/ Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist Committee Abroad
No Shiite,.. No Sunni,… Ours is human identity/ An exclusive interview with Samir Adil the President of the Iraq Freedom Congress
Komonist 3, February 2006
In this Issue:
International Solidarity in Action/ Editorial
In Commemoration of 8th March/ Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
Repel Islamists attack on freedom of conscience and expression!/ Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist
The “Nuclear Crisis” of the Islamic Republic and the Western Powers/ Resolution adopted by the Political Bureau of the WPI – Hekmatist
The danger is very real!/ Fateh Sheikh
Kurdistan and its role in empowering Communism in Iran/ Interview with Hossein Moradbeigi
Communists show the way and lead the battle against the Islamic bigotry/ Javad Aslani
Free Ossanlou Now!/ Javad Aslani
A delegation from WPI – Hekmatist met with the ILO officials in Geneva to highlight the plight of the Tehran Bus Workers
Komonist 2, January 2006
In this Issue:
Workers’ Protests - Challenges and Prospects/ Interview with Koorosh Modarresi, leader of the Worker-communist Party – Hekmatist
In praise of truth, in defence of human dignity, Harold Pinter’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech/ Fateh Sheikh
No Redemption: Tookie is executed, Time to kill capital punishment/ Javad Aslani
Tehran Bus Workers challenge the authorities in Iran/ Javad Aslani
Komonist 1, December 2005