To all trade unions, humanitarian and relief organisations


Urgent call to save the lives of people in Iran


The spread of devastation across Iran over the past few weeks has not become completely clear. All the reports indicate that with half of the country under water, and the inaccessibility of many areas, the true scale of destruction and loss of lives is nowhere near the officially broadcast numbers.

No one has any doubts that much of the damage caused by the flooding is due to irregularities and man-made changes that have been sanctioned or built by the Islamic Republic itself and/or its institutions and organisations. Once again, the people in Iran are made to bear the consequences of the corruption, and total disregard for their well-being and even safety at the hands of the Islamic Republic.

This is not the first time that people in Iran have been faced with such a situation, but what is different this time is that people have taken the initiative from the start on a much wider scale. Learning from the lessons of the previous earth quakes and floods, people themselves have set up a number of crisis centres, organised aid and shelter. All the aid has been provided by the very people who themselves have been suffering from the economic hardship and rocketing inflation and high prices. Everyone knows that the authorities have done nothing other than appearing in front of national news agencies to “express” their sorrows! Moreover, in many areas the only presence of the authorities has been demonstrated by the security forces to show that they would be ready to quash the protests against the lack of action of the entire ruling establish.

At such a time of crisis, rather than reaching to and saving the people under rubbles and isolated, the Islamic Republic’s first response was that there is no need for help from international organisations. At the same time, the drafting of international aid and help has been too meagre and limited. This is an unacceptable scenario.

The people in Iran should not be ignored and victimised by the international politics, sanctions, etc between the Islamic Republic and US, Europe and in deed United Nations. It is paramount that saving of the people and saving lives is the most crucial issue at present. We cannot wait for “a deal” to be brokered between the states and need to act now.

We urge you all to do all you can to save the people in the devastated areas in Iran. Aid needs to be organised and sent most urgently. Pressure needs to be brought upon the aid agencies and governments around the world to recognise the urgency of this. Meanwhile, and in the absence of official aid, presently the work has started by many sending aid directly to the locally organised crisis centres. This is by far the best way to ensure that aid does reach those who need it on the ground. We urge you to follow suit and contact us for the necessary information.


Aman Kafa

Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist Organisation Abroad

April 7, 2019