Coronavirus has become a serious threat against humanity, crossing all borders and causing thousands of deaths in such a short period of time. It is estimated that 80 percent of the world population will contract the virus, and suffer from the disease caused by it. COVID19 threatens the lives of millions of people. Casualties of such a scale in the 21st century, in a world in which medical science is capable of cloning human beings, in a world in which the rulers do not assume any responsibility regarding human lives whatsoever, depicts only and only the decadence of the world of capitalism.

It’s been almost 5 years that the outbreak of a virus much more dangerous than SARS was predicted but, due to its unprofitability, no government or international organisation, and the World Health Organization (WHO) in particular, set appropriate budgets for medical research to stop, fight or prevent the virus. Yet again, the aim of their current efforts to fight the virus is not to save the lives of millions of people, rather to curb its destructive consequences on world economy and profitability of the international capital. Coronavirus has so far shown the cruelty, relentlessness, hypocrisy and wildness of the capitalist system and its logic, while manifesting how cheap the lives and wellbeing of humans are for this system. Coronavirus has revealed the true face of the “civilised” world of bourgeoisie and their governments and their system of ruling throughout the world. Coronavirus takes more and more victims and at the same time illustrates how contradictory is the ruling system of capital with civilisation, respect and dignity for humanity.

Presently, the people in the “civilised” and “lux” Western countries are disbelievingly faced with this reality of how the ruling powers not only didn’t take any action in the past years to fight this virus, but also are still refusing to provide the basic needs and facilities for the hospitals, provision of sufficient personnel, hygiene and respiratory equipment, and care for those infected with the virus. The world is witnessing once again the incompatibility of the capitalist system with the lives of the majority of the people; a majority who produces all the material goods in the world. Coronavirus has put an end to the delusion of prosperity and blissfulness under this system. Today the people across the world see how the bourgeois governments, instead of allocating adequately for the welfare, safety and happiness of mankind in the 21st century, have been spending billions of dollars of the public wealth on expanding their own arsenals of destruction. Everybody can now see how the internal competition of world powers has brought nothing but havoc to the people of everywhere, and the capacity of this Capitalist system in the destruction of the planet earth. It is plain to see that the more wealth that is created in this system, the less becomes the share of the working class and the majority of people of all this wealth.

Today it is evident that it is not the virus, but the corrupt and outdated capitalist system which in pursuit of more profit for a tiny minority, has been gambling with the very existence of billions of people. The real threat to humanity is not the Coronavirus per se, but a system that is in contradiction with the safety, health, happiness and dignified lives of human beings. A system which sacrifices all and everything except the profit of capital.

Humanity will overcome Corona. Humanity will not give in to the fear, depravity and treading on people’s dignity in this system After Corona, the world will witness more struggles against inequality, poverty, deprivation and predicaments caused by this system of wage labour. We should put the world right way round – a world that no one would need to fight in order to have their basic needs; a world that no one would need to be sacrificed and suffer from such diseases for the profit of a minority; a world that everyone will have equal right to access to the prospers of life.

Humanity deserves a better life and a better world.


Worker-Communist Party Hekmatist (Official Line)

19 March 2020