During this week alone, there are reports of at least 60 Palestinians murdered, residential blocks destroyed, and more devastation by the Israeli troops as the racist policies of ethnic-cleansing are being carried out. Protest actions have been taking place in so many countries against the openly fascist actions of the Israeli state and its green light to the inhumane anti-Arab policy of expansion of settlements, and demanding a just end to this conflict.

While innocent people are being massacred, the UN, and the Western allies of the state of Israel have been expressing their “concern regarding the escalation of the conflicts” ! An expression that only reiterates the hypocrisy of the so called International community. In contrast, the civilised people across the world only see the current events as yet another crime against humanity, committed by a racist state that has enforced decades of discrimination, destruction of homes and mass killing of civilians. The “civilised” leaders’ shameful silence or at best insincere “condemnation” of the events in Israel, only manifests the extent of their opposition to the genuine demand of people worldwide for recognition of the human rights for the Palestinians.

Today, it is evident that the much heralded Trump’s “peace pacts” between Israel and its neighbours, were only a smoke screen to disregard the unresolved issue of Palestine. It is more clear than ever before that the right of people of Palestine can no longer be brushed under the carpet by the Israeli state’s propaganda of fighting against “terrorism in the region”, nor by the crocodile tears of the reactionary regional powers in their ”support” for Palestinians. Moreover, the fallacy of  expectations of any meaningful change by the Palestinian Authority’s appeals to the Arab League and the same world leaders has become far too evident.

Today’s escalation of the anti-Arab propaganda and driving through the policies of ethnic cleansing are the responses of the ruling state and the far right reactionary forces in Israel to the current climate of total distrust in the political establishment in this country. These circumstances reaffirms that ending the crimes of the Israeli state cannot be sought through the world leaders nor their proxies in the region, but it is a task that can only be achieved by those who have genuinely no interest in the existing divisions and discriminations. Presently, it is only the working class in Israel, hand in hand with its fellow class workers along with progressive people worldwide, who are capable of changing the current status quo, and bring about a meaningful end to the hitherto continuous plight of the people of Palestine. It is only this force that can bring an end to the rule of the fascist Israeli state, and its perpetuating divisions, hatred and bloodshed.

Worker-communist Party of Iran- Hekmatist (Official Line) – Organisation Abroad

May 12, 2021