The wide scale “Al-Aqsa storm” attack of Hamas on Israel on Saturday 7 October 2023 was the largest military attack since the “Arab and Israeli” war in 1973. The extent of this attack, the overcoming of Israeli military and recapturing of large, occupied land along Gaza, surprised not only the Israeli state but also everyone worldwide.
This attack affected the political scene of Middle East and the world, and the question of Palestine and its future, was once again put afore globally. With the attack of Israel on Gaza, this war entered a more bloody and more horrific phase.
The attack by Hamas on Israel, contrary to the false picture painted by the Western states and pro-Israeli state right wing media in the West, however, did not take place out of the blue and void of any background. This war is a continuation of a 75-year war that has been going on in Palestine and the occupied lands. A war that the tribal-theocratic state of Israel and its Western supporters have been its main instigators.
The current war is the outcome of the failure of Western states’ plans in “resolving” the question of Palestine and non-recognition of the right of people of Palestine to form their state and independent country. It is a consequence of the continuous unequivocal support of the Western states for the Apartheid state of Israel and its crimes against the innocent people of Palestine; and approval of its policies of ethnic cleansing, genocide, enforcement of absolute lack of rights for the people of Palestine, expatriation, uninterrupted bombardment, and killing thousands of innocent people in the name of “right of Israel to self-defence”.
Today’s war also manifests the incompetence of the Western states in safeguarding the people of Palestine to date. It shows clearly how the ongoing misery, as well as the future of millions of Palestinian refugees, were used as a bargaining chip by Israel and the Western states in the negotiations with Palestinians.
Given the continuous drive of Israel and Western states to force a stalemate on the resolution of the question of Palestine, as well as the clear decision of the Arab states to cease their pretentious stance as defenders of the Palestinians, and the marginalisation of Hamas in the ongoing negotiations, all and all provided an apparently opportune time for Hamas to take such an attack under the pretext of the main defender of Palestinian question in the face of the escalation of the fascist policies of Israeli state against people of Palestine. Hamas’s attack, and in such an scale, against Israel, one of the most sophisticated security and military force of the world, was an opportune time for Hamas to firstly present itself as the sole force “in defence” of people of Palestine, and secondly to regain its lost position in the negotiations that have been taking place. The intention of this attack, contrary to the claims of Hamas, was not the fascist attacks of the state of Israel on the people of Palestine, but to regain its position amongst the people of Gaza as well as its position in the dealings and negotiations of the regional and global powers.
What distinguishes this Hamas’s attack from previous wars, is on one hand its scale and the exposure of vulnerability of the security and military systems of Israel, and on the other, and more importantly, the present new balance of power of world and regional powers. A new situation characterised by the decline of power of USA in the Middle East and globally, the end of era of US as the sole super-power, the global gendarme with its militarist policies, and the rise of other powers and the formation of the muti-polar world. New conditions that have again brought fore the issue of re-division of the world and the share of regional and global powers. The decline of the position of Israel in the region and the stalemate of the “Israeli-based” policies of the USA is one of the consequences of this new global situation. It is this situation, along with the wide scale protests of civilised humanity against the crimes of Israel, against the daily killing of people of Palestine, against the racial Apartheid in Israel, and finally the demand for the clear resolution of the question of Palestine and the formation of two states of Israel and Palestine, are all the conditions that Hamas has been trying to use to its own advantage in order to improve and regain its weakened position.
The government of Netanyahu is also using this war to strengthen its shaken position inside Israel, by fuelling tribal and racial hatred, for further attacks on the people of Palestine under the pretext of “self-defence” and to strengthen the right wing and fascist forces in Israel.
The counter-attack of Israel, under the banner of “revenge against Hamas”, the escalating bombardment of innocent people, destruction of residential areas, schools, hospital and refugee camps, the complete embargo of Gaza and cutting electricity, fuel, food, medicine and basic needs of over two million people captured in this area, as well as preparation for ground, air and sea attacks to completely occupy Gaza, massacre and forceful expatriation of people of Gaza, are all undoubtedly a war crime against people of Palestine. Accomplice in this crime of the state of Israel, are the Western states who unequivocally support and aid Israel militarily and financially, and by cutting the aid to the people of Palestine are partaking in the mass punishment of people in Gaza. Also accomplice to this war crime are the right wing media, spreading false news with abhorrent propaganda to justify the crimes of the state of Israel against the people of Palestine; the media that is part of the war machine of the West and Israel to carry out the massacre further.
Hekmatist Party (Official line) while expressing its abhorrence of the savagery and crimes, whether by Israel or Hamas, and condemnation of the war-mongering policies of the Western states and their dispatch of their military forces to Israel, urges the civilised humanity to call for an end to this war and to support the people of Palestine and their right to a safe life, and stresses on the following demands:
  • Immediate cessation of the war from both sides!
  • Immediate end to the economic embargo on people of Gaza and ending the cutting of electricity, food, water and fuel!
  • Immediate provision of medical needs, food and other aids to the people of Gaza!
  • Immediate de-militarisation of the region, withdrawal of the US and other Western states’ military forces from the region!
  • Immediate departure of Israel from the occupied territories and the return of people of Palestine to the workplaces and their life and cessation of any threat against them!
These are the first steps in genuinely resolving the question of Palestine, ie recognition of the two states of Israel and Palestine.
The only way to end war, massacre, genocide, terror and destruction … the only way to end the abuses of the state of Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, … the only way to end the division of the people of Israel and Palestine and end to their criminal role, the only way to ensure a lasting peace and ending the current situation of the people of Palestine is the formation of the two independent states.
Hekmatist Party (official line)
10 October 2023