Workers, freedom seekers and fellow-sufferers!

If the bourgeoisie and its rulers are trying to separate us with nation, ethnicity, language and culture in the region, if they are trying to draw lines between us and even set us up against each other, we, the workers and freedom seeking people have shared interests and are fellow-sufferers. This issue of being fellow-sufferers has found a practical, obvious and undeniable meaning in the past decade, beside its historical course.

In the recent decades The Middle East - especially the countries of Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan - has been a battlefield for the world’s superpowers and reactionary governments and ethnic and religious terrorist groups such as The Taliban, Hezbollah, Hashd-a-sha’bi and their branches. For the ruling class of the U.S. and also regional reactionary governments such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, The U.A.E., Afghanistan, Turkey, etc, The Middle East is a place for competition, invasion, bullying, genocide and a field for destructive weapons experiments.

In Afghanistan, four decennia of war and game of power between international forces and their regional allies, competitions that hindered all kinds of progress for the grassroots’ movements, left tragically the destiny of the people, especially the Afghan women, in the hands of the competitions in this courtyard left of The Cold War. So that what is going on in Afghanistan has been written on the face of the humanity as an essence of the sheer capitalist backwardness. The government of the United States and its allies, after committing numerous crimes in Afghanistan, through empowering mosaic states and assigning Hamed Karzay’s government and other reactionary forces, once again handed over the already shattered society of Afghanistan to the self-made, dark force of The Taliban in a filthy inhumane deal. This painful and devastating process has left nothing out of Afghanistan but an inhabitable hell.

In Lebanon, the world powers imposed a corrupt mosaic-government on that society, composed of the most reactionary religious forces, based on the context of “Ethnic-Religious Middle East”. Lebanon has practically become a field for the governments’ and terrorist, reactionary forces’ invasion; bands such as Hezbollah, falangists and right-wing Christian groups, who corrupted the society under the pretext of defending the “Shiite”, “Sunni” or “Christian” people. Governments and forces who are responsible for the insecurity of the society, endangering people’s lives, and are a major player in the civil wars, terror and intimidations in that country.

In Iraq, the U.S. and its allies’ invasion destroyed the economic infrastructure and made millions of people end up in homelessness, and left the destiny of that country to the reactionary Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish ethnicities and religions. Separation of power based on these outdated concepts, has inflicted war, ethnic-religious conflicts, poverty, hunger, destitution, homelessness and lack of rights to the civilised society of that country. The United States and its allies were the losers of the Gulf War at the cost of the destruction of that society’s very bases, and left a “quagmire” behind, called Iraq. And the winners of this war, however, were the Islamic reactionary regime of Iran, nationalist forces and all ethnic and religious bands.

But this is just one face of the reality. The other face is a world that has long been shouting “enough is enough”, from Lebanon to Iraq, Afghanistan, The U.S., Europe, Asia, etc. In the face of these atrocities, bullying, massacres and destruction of the societies in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, the words has witnessed the resistance, protest and uprisings of the oppressed masses in our societies, yours and tens of other countries. Today we see a common fight against ethnic and religious reactionary forces, for a secular, free and equal society and for the well-being and the value of human beings, in order to eradicate discrimination and corruption and for a non-ethnic and non-religious Middle East. A fight that has spread from Tehran to Beirut and from Baghdad to Kabul. Mass protests and huge manifestations in big and small cities in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iran, against reactionary, corrupt governments, against assigned ethnic and religious bands, is just the tip of the iceberg of this fight. A social protest that has taken to the streets with a flag of “fellow-sufferer” for millions of people , is not only against reactionary powers, but also against spreading ethnic, religious and national hatred by nationalist and religious forces.

The efforts of the world powers and regional reactionary governments, from Iran to Saudi Arabia and Israel, to abuse people’s sufferings for strengthening themselves and their bands, despite starting up these ethnic and religious bands and spreading war and destruction, haven’t been able to damage this unity and this fight.

Today, from our point of view, the workers and freedom seeking people of these countries, all these powers – from The United States and its regional allies such as Israel, to the Islamic Republic and its terrorist proxies, etc – are a bunch of reactionary forces that has taken hostage our welfare, security and freedom. A reactionary force that is our first hinderance on our way to achieve welfare, equality and a prosperous life.

Our party of Iranian workers and freedom seeking people, has stood against the Islamic Republic’s regressive policies in spreading ethnic and religious hatred and in abusing the poor Afghan refugees and dispatching them to war. We have struggled alongside people and the working class of Iraq against The Islamic Republic’s proxies, Turkey and The U.S.’s interferences, and have helped reinforce this fight. We have stood shoulder to shoulder with the victims of The United States and its allies in Afghanistan, and also millions of Afghan refugees in Iran and against discrimination and apartheid inflicted on them. The women’s right movement in Iran considers itself a fellow-sufferer of the Afghan women and daughters in their fight against the religious and terrorist misogynist Taliban. The women’s right movement in Iran and Afghanistan is a united movement fighting for a common goals that is total equality between man and woman and throwing away the Islamic reactionary and misogynist Sharia laws. And moreover people’s protests in Lebanon and Iraq and Iran for welfare, freedom and an equal society, have overshadowed all national and reactionary borders.

We, The Party, and the world have heard the message of solidarity of the Lebanese people with the oppressed folks of the region through their revolutionary slogans in their mass protest of Beirut that said “From Lebanon to Iran, From Lebanon to Iraq, a united revolution against the thieves” and “Revolution in all countries”. And we declare that we are a part of this common fight of the workers’ and hardworking people’s social movements in the region.

We are aware that any progress made by any of these groups facilitates the other group’s progress and realises the freedom and equality-seeking fronts and the movement for a non-ethnic and non-religious, free, equal and prosperous Middle East. Iranian workers’ and freedom-seeking people’s victory against The Islamic Republic will certainly have a deep impact on your fight and help you pull the rug from under the feet of those reactionary forces and, reciprocally, the movement for overthrowing The Taliban in Afghanistan and eradicating poverty and ethnic and religious reactionary forces in Lebanon and Iraq will facilitates our struggle in Iran and will pave our way to victory.

The 10th Congress of the Workers Communist Party Hekmatist (Official Line) salutes you workers and freedom fighters and declares that it will put all its force end energy for the victory of the working class in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, against the reactionary rulers and ethnic and religious bands and against poverty and destitution inflicted upon the people, and for a decent life that a human being deserves.


Long live the solidarity of the struggle of the region’s working class and the equality and freedom seeking people

Long live freedom and equality

The 10th Congress of the Workers Communist Party Hekmatist (Official Line)

March 2022