Greetings to our courageous fellow workers in the auto industry.
We have been closely following your struggle for decent pay and conditions and your demands including the call for a shorter working week.
After years of putting pressure on workers to bear the burden of the financial crisis, the Covid pandemic and all the austerity measures, and even refusing to lift and reverse all of the so-called “temporary measures”, you have overwhelmingly stood together and decided to take industrial action. This strike is forced upon auto workers by the companies that have taken sky-rocketing profits and overfilled their pockets with the fruit of your labour. Your action is so justified, that despite all the lies and threats that have been announced through their media, they have not been able to sway the clear public support that you have both in the US and beyond.
Workers in Iran have also been struggling against the Islamic Republic for their rights and for a life that is worthy of human beings in the 21st century. A struggle that despite the heavy crackdown by the Islamic Republic regime, has escalated and has made major advances in its demands for freedom and equality in all aspects of life.
Although we are continents and thousands of miles apart, our struggle is one and the same; a struggle that has declared Enough is Enough. This hardship and inequality must end. This continuous spiral of hardship and lowering the standards of living must end. We all know that at this day and age, there is no shortage of produced food, medicine, … and all the needs of mass population, but we, the great majority, the producers of this wealth are denied of it all. This rule of a minute minority over the immense majority must be ended.
Once again, we solute you in your determination and in standing united and solid in this strike action. Your demands are shared by workers across the world. A win for one, is win for all.
Long live international solidarity
Hekmatist Party (official line) Organisation Abroad
21 September 2023