The prohibition of the DTP's political activity is a chauvinist policy!



Kurdistan Worker-communist Party, Abroad Committee 16-12-2009



On 10-12-2009 the Turkish Prime Court decided to prohibit the political activities of the DTP, whose supporters are mostly in the Kurdish dominated areas of the country. The excuse for such a decision is that the DTP is cooperating with the terrorist organization the PKK.


We consider the decision of the Turkish prime court to be a chauvinist decision; its aim is to continue the persecution and discrimination against the Kurdish speaking population, who have been suffering for decades under the chauvinist Turkish authorities.  In fact, this decision is not targeting the mentioned political party which has its nationalist identity as Kurdish, but mainly it is against all Kurdish people in the country.  Such a decision makes it clear to the Kurdish population of Turkey that the Islamist-nationalist party of AKP (Justice and Development Party) will bring nothing new for them.  It tells us that the strategy of the state is still the deprivation, injustice and discrimination policy of Turkish chauvinists against Kurdish people. The link between the DTP and the PKK is an excuse to justify their decision and blindfold the nation and the world and satisfy the European governments who are pretending to monitor the Turkish democratization processes!


This decision will enforce the chauvinist ideas of the ruling Turkish nationalist parties, instead of finding a peaceful solution for the Kurdish situation.  Meanwhile it gives unfair rights to the Kurdish nationalist party, which sees itself as the only voice of the Kurdish speaking population in the country.  In fact both Turkish chauvinist and Kurdish nationalist parties want to show that they are the only voices of both the Turkish and the Kurdish people in the country.  They are both afraid of losing their position as leaders representing both Turkish and Kurdish people.   Thus we think that such a decision will be an obstacle to the peaceful solution of the Kurdish problem and encourage the violence between both Turkish and Kurdish people.



We think that the chauvinist policy of the Turkish Government creates violence and nationalist opposition groups such as the PKK. The only way to stop violence and hatred between the people is to end the chauvinist policy of the state of Turkey. The Turkish State should declare the equality and the same rights for all inhabitants of the country; for Turkish and Kurdish people to be treated the same or Kurdish people to be given the right to separate. That decision should be made through a free referendum by Kurdish people in the country.