Communique of the Abroad Organisation of Worker Communist Party of Iran- Hekmatist (Official Line)



Towards the May Day!


May Day is once again upon us. May 1 is the day that workers of the world reassert themselves as a distinct social class. On this day, workers in all industries, sectors and services; in all neighbourhoods and places of work, get together to celebrate May Day and proclaim that they have had enough of the capitalist system and need to overthrow it.

We are now living in an era in which, thanks to the productive power of the working class, there is an unprecedented amount of resources and wealth, to provide quality and high level of means of subsistence and welfare for all citizens to enjoy and lead a fulfilling life. At the same time at no time during the history of human society there has been such a level of exploitation and the gulf between the bourgeoisie and the working class. 

Last year, we again endured the ongoing onslaught of bourgeoisie against the working people from the USA, Britain and France to China, Japan, India and Iran. We witnessed wave after wave of redundancies and job losses. Hard fought and won rights, wage level and protections came under sustained attacks.

 We also witnessed the exodus of millions of people fleeing the carnage of war in the Middle East. Millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa, have fallen victim to the reactionary intervention and meddling of the Western powers and their regional allies. This reactionary policy has unleashed the most barbaric and heinous forces against the defenceless people from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Yamen and Libya.  Inevitably the terror and the massacre perpetrated by the terror groups like ISIS has spilled over to other parts of the world. Now the streets of Istanbul, Brussels and Paris have become the battleground for the Islamic terror groups. Terror and carnage is now a major concern in the west as well. 

With the Panama Papers leak we also saw the scandalous length the super-rich go to hide and launder their ill gained wealth. The involvement of thousands of leading politicians and world leaders in embezzlement, money laundering and tax evasion is further evidence of the corrupt nature of the capitalist and their intention to deprive the working people of their rightful share of the wealth created.

 Today, the world bourgeoisie, faced with an endemic economic and social crisis, seeks it salvation through imposition of even harsher exploitative working condition on our class. World bourgeoisie through the escalation of national, ethnic and religious discrimination and prejudices is bent on prolonging its rule. For us unity and class solidarity, symbolised by May Day, is our only weapon against the capitalist exploitation, hardship and deprivation. Unity of our ranks under the banner of the “Workers of the World Unite” is key to putting up a fight against the capitalists and their states.

 The working class has no choice but to unite and embark on a decisive struggle to put an end to capitalism. It is now the time for the working class to recognise its own strength and realise that its power lies in its labour and productive power. The working class must recognise that it is the only class capable of putting an end to oppression, exploitation, war, insecurity, racism and fascism. A united class, under the banner of communism, will be able to create a world worthy of humanity.

 The “Abroad Organisation of WC Party of Iran- Hekmatist (Official Line) actively promotes the message of May Day by organising events and gatherings in various countries and actively participates is rallies and events organised by worker’s Parties and organisations and the trade unions and invites all workers to join the May Day celebrations wherever they are.



Long live May Day!

Long Live International Unity and Solidarity of Working Class!


April 15, 2016