Worker-communist Party of
Iran – Hekmatist (Official Line)
Terror Attack in Paris
The criminal attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie
Hebdo and the savage murder of its staff and journalists cannot but be
unequivocally condemned by all and everyone who values humanity.
Regrettably this recent mass murder has become part and parcel of daily life
across the globe. In recent months we have witnessed the massacre of
students in Pakistan; the terrorist attack in Sydney; the abduction of
girl students in Nigeria by Boko Haram; the recent fatwa against writers in
Algeria and the suicide attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.
This round of horrific cycle of murder and devastation, the era of “post
ISIS”, is not simply a development aimed at curtailing neither the freedom
of expression nor a series of events within the domain of peoples’ religious
beliefs or plainly atrocities stemming from the rise of fundamentalism.
Needless to say that Islam is the religion of women submission and slavery;
bloodshed and brutality; blind revenge and anti-joy and happiness. For over
thirty years Iran has been the scene of the unbridled rule of Islam. Death
awaits those who dare to mildly criticise Islam and its messenger. The rise
of political Islam, this weapon of mass destruction that has destroyed
countless lives and has intimidated people in all corners of the world, is
the direct product of rivalry and antagonism amongst the industrial and
modern powers in the West. The rivalry of world powers manifests itself in
proxy wars in battlefields of Iraq, Libya and Syria fanned and funded by
NATO, USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey of course in the guise of ISIS and
under the banner of Islam.
It is simplistic to presume that the arena of war and carnage will be
confined to Iraq, Syria and Libya. Furthermore it is also naïve to assume
that other junior regional forces and movements will not enter the fray.
The current state of affair in the Middle East, North Africa and other
corners of the world is the legacy of the West’s triumph in the cold war.
The race to kill and destroy is no longer the preserve of the main powers.
ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaedeh and other Jihadi forces and gangs are vying for
their share of power.
Sadly as a result of the Charlie Hebdo massacre racism and anti-foreigners
sentiments has been boosted and has poisoned the political environment.
Gangs of extreme right groups are exploiting this incident and taken to the
street. This is a bleak development facing the humanity.
The world is in urgent need of socialism.
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist (Official Line)
January 8, 2015