
Freedom Guards

Resolution adopted by the third plenum of the central committee of Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist

 October 2005

The third plenum of the CC adopted the following as the basis of Freedom Guards:

 1- Given that:


a)      The perpetual danger of destruction of the foundations of the civil life and “Iraqisation” of the society in Iran - in the process of ousting or after the fall of the Islamic Republic - by the armed Islamic bandits, tribal and  political gangsters and also through military intervention of US and its allies;

b)      a large section of the political forces opposed to the Islamic Republic, as well as the tribal and religious bandits, are armed and have given a military dimension to the politics in Iran. Moreover, the right-wing opposition of the Islamic Republic and the US and Western governments have opted to promote ethnic federalism in Iran, escalating  the danger of the “dark scenario” and “Iraqisation” of the society in Iran;

c)      the bourgeois opposition and the religious and tribal gangs can resort to military action in resolving their differences and dealing with other political parties and movements, and in particular the working class and freedom seeking movement; and the experience in Iran and Iraq and other parts of the world confirms this;

d)      in Kurdistan, the relationships between people and the Islamic Republic, and among the political parties  and towards the people, have had a military dimension or will rapidly take such a dimension, and any serious political force without the potential for military action will not be able to play an effective role in the political arena;

e)      the Party must develop the ability to repel such dangers with force, in order to guarantee the security and freedom of people and safeguard the foundations of the society. The Party must build an armed organisation compatible with the people’s living condition and be able to intervene effectively across Iran.


Having the capacity and military power is vital and the Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist forms the “Freedom Guards” as a comprehensive response to such a situation.

 2- The Freedom Guards is the armed force of the Worker-communist Party of Iran- Hekmatist, and is being organised as the military wing of the party to promote aims, objectives and the program of the Party. The immediate aim of this force is to provide military power in the service of the Party, working class and revolutionary people to defend freedom and political and social stability in the country..

 3- The Freedom Guards is the basis of general arming of people and the formation of mass militia, is one of the main ways of organising the youth and people, especially in localities and cities.

 4- under the present circumstances, considering the Party’s position and the specific political situation in Kurdistan - where parties without military potential stand no chance of success - the task of forming the Freedom Guards has become an  is an urgent duty of the Party in Kurdistan. This force in Kurdistan has, in addition, the duty of protecting the communist leaders and the Party’s operation from the attacks and harassments perpetrated by the Islamic Republic and/or other armed groups.

 5- The Party will gradually and according to a detailed plan organises the Freedom Guards in other parts of Iran.

6- The Freedom Guards in every region comes under the respective regional  Party organisation, and its command hierarchy will be determined by the Party’s committee in that region.

7- The Freedom Guards operates under a united central commend structure. The national commander of the Freedom Guards is proposed by the Party leader and endorsed by the political Bureau. The national commander of the Freedom Guards will serve the Party leader’s military deputy and operates under the Party leader’s authority.

 8- The units of the Freedom Guards will be organised in places where people work and live and generally in the cities. In addition, where necessary, the Freedom Guards can organise disciplined and mobile units. The political situation and the needs of the Party determines whether the armed units operate openly or clandestinely.

 9- In areas where political suppression rules the units of the Freedom Guards are separate from the Party organisation. Under such circumstances detached units are directly linked to the command centre.

 10- Membership of the Freedom Guards, like membership of the Party, is open to all individuals and their acceptance by the Party committee.

 11- Membership of the Freedom Guards and membership of Party are not the same. However, anyone who joins the Freedom Guards automatically becomes a party member unless he/she clearly requests otherwise.

 12- General rules and regulations of the Freedom Guards are drawn up the General Secretary of the Central Committee and must be approved by the Political Bureau. The rules and regulations of the Freedom Guards must not contradict the Party’s organisational principles. The conduct of the Freedom Guards and the behaviour of the members of the Freedom Guards must not contradict the program of the Party and the humanitarian and the communist values and the equalitarian philosophy of the Party.