The breeze of the Arabic Spring from Baghdad!


The large scale wave of protests in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities against the Islamic and ethnic reactionaries and the reactionary forces of NATO resonates the freedom and justice seeking voice of the people of Iraq; and once again stimulate a refreshing sense of a democratic and progressive movement. 

Once again, but this time from Iraq, another breeze of the Arabic Spring is blowing against the putrid process in the Middle East, and the dark scenario of bloodshed that NATO and the reactionary regional governments have created in this region for more than two decades. 

Today, the whole world is witnessing another and a different face of Baghdad. This is a face that is not rigged with bloodshed and fanaticism; a face that is not engineered by the subservient media that portrays the people living in fear of bombings and suicide swamps, growing IS, fanatic Sunni and Shiite groups and other extremely reactionary movements. Another movement has emerged. 

In direct contrast to the dark veil that is thrown on the people of Iraq by the mafia of the Western media, as well as the funds and arms of NATO, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, today Iraq has portrayed a new image. This is an image of a civilised, freedom-loving and progressive people that has stepped fore on its own feet in order to achieve legitimate demands. This is a movement that should be supported and aided in accomplishing its intentions. 

This freedom seeking and progressive movement can change the course of the entire reactionary process, not only in Iraq but the whole region, particularly in the aftermath of the agreements between the West and Iran. This movement could have, and already has had to some extent, made an impact on the whole Middle East, after the joining of Iran to the “authorised” and “legal” club of criminals destroying the Middle East, alongside the fascist-terrorist manoeuvres of Erdogan’s government. 

We must stand against the efforts of the regional and international reactionary forces who intend to alter the course and direction of this legitimate struggle for freedom. We must stand against the militarisation and traditional alternatives that have dominated the Middle East for more than a decade. The emergence of a freedom-seeking movement in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan that is non-religious and non-tribal can completely reverse this situation. 

The people of Iraq have clearly rejected the rule of religion and the tribal-religious image that the reactionary Imperialist and the regional gangs have placed on their society.  The slogan of “no Shiites, No Sunnis,” is a strong blow to the reactionary tribal-religious, Sunni and Shia, and the Imperialistic scenario of the tribal-religious Middle East.



Long live the legitimate struggle of the freedom-loving people of Iraq

Worker-Communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist (the official line)

August 8, 2015